2023 | Rebirth

2023 | Rebirth

Integration, Embodiment and Rebirth

Having learned from what has come, we are ready to become something entirely new. 

It is time to step up, to embrace our sovereignty and answer our souls' call to rewrite our story. 

We’ve had time to realign our values, and see things from different perspectives. We are now ready to leave behind old stories and let our scars heal; to build from strength and resilience as we are asked to enter a new cycle, as both individuals and collective.

An energy shift that will ripple in the years to come

We will be offered opportunities to look and relate to ourselves, others and our environment in a different way; changing perspectives and establishing a new set of boundaries will create clarity around how we communicate and collaborate with others.

As the collective energy shifts, we may find ourselves facing discomfort for which is important to have time to go inward and continue our quest for alignment and not get caught in the collective shadow but to integrate from a grounded place. 


It is time to lift the veil and give form to the unseen, prepare to receive codes and signs in your dreams, but more importantly to ground yourself to be able to integrate what these may bring up to you.

Challenging situations are nothing but messages and opportunities for growth and evolution, as our dreams are tested we will need to prove we are ready to take intentional actions to create the world and life we desire.

May your light always shine and guide you.

May you have the capacity to give and receive love and compassion.

May you find peace and certainty within your heart.



