

New Moon in Leo

Shining from your heart.

This is a time to shine through your gifts. Be confident, speak your Truth and let yourself be seen.

Plant the seeds that align with what you want to see grow over the next six months, and be the container for the life you want to live.

Trust your Inner Wisdom and move from your heart, this is a powerful time to align your deepest desires and your values through conscious actions. There is only room for authenticity, left behind whatever is not truly aligned with your Higher Self.

Lion’s Gate Portal

Receiving the Light Codes.

As the portal is open, pay attention to visions and dreams, expand your heart and be ready to receive. Information can come in many ways, trust your Inner Wisdom and let your heart speak to you.

Know you’re not alone, help is always ready and available to you, ask your guides:

Mother Earth please hold me and help me anchor the light.
As I open myself to receive, allow me to release to you
what no longer serves me, and be a clear vessel.
I call upon my Light Team, please help me expand my capacity to hold light,
and fully integrate the information that is in the highest good for me and everyone. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Photo: mymind



Healing & Growth

Healing & Growth