New Moon in Cancer
Ancestral Healing
We are being supported to heal, to go back to our roots, our childhood or family and bring the unconscious to light, embrace our shadow and rebirth to authenticity.
Nurturing our Home
Pay attention to whatever means home to you and nurture it with love.
Mother Earth, our home, it's calling for love and nourishment.
Sustainability keeps showing as a theme, it's important to make life sustainable in more ways than we are already doing, sometimes the smallest action can support the biggest change.
A Promise
Whatever you’re trying to create for yourself has a great potential.
It's time to plant seeds of intention to create space for what you want to manifest in the months to come, starting from within so it can reflect back to the physical realm.
It's also important to remember that seeds need care, so keep going and show up everyday, with compassion and love.
Remember you’re not alone, call in your tribe and allow yourself to be supported.
Photo: Manuel Barroso Parejo